Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Basics - Step 4 - Core

The fourth step of “The Basics” is called “Core”. This process will help become more centered and in your body.

Thus far in the Basics, we have established our connection to the Earth (Grounding), called our scattered energy back into our energy field and cleared others out (Clear) and tied our fibers off to avoid energy piracy (Bind). In this final step we want to pull more of our Essential (Higher) Self into the core of our physical body and into the energetic container we created in the first three steps.


At the deepest levels of our Being we are energy coming into form. We are Consciousness manifesting in the Physical realm. The bodies we inhabit are just one tiny portion of all that we are. Energetically we are far more than can be held by these temporary bodies yet these bodies are the tools we use to do our work in this realm. To do the work we have each manifested to do, we have to be fully in our bodies. That is not to say that all that we are will be in the body but rather that we will fill all of the body with some of who we are.

For most people this concept is a shift in their belief system. We’re taught in Church that we’re a soul trapped in a body which will die one day and then that soul will be judged based upon that single lifetime and then spend the rest of eternity in “Heaven” or “Hell”. This paradigm is incredibly limiting, judgmental and in sharp contrast to the deeper meaning held at the core of all religions and Spiritual teachings. When you can begin to shift your consciousness to the truth of being eternal and not limited by a physical form, Life will take on new depth, dimension and context.


The following technique works off of this deeper truth of our existence. A good metaphor for how this works would be to imagine that your body is a glove and your Consciousness (Higher/Essential Self) is your hand. If you slide your hand half-way into the glove and then try to pick up and manipulate objects with it, you would struggle and be limited in your success. However, when you slide your hand all the way into the glove so that each finger reaches the ends of the glove then your dexterity increases and the glove then becomes more useful.

Unfortunately most of us are very disconnected from our bodies due to the experiences which have come our way. When we don’t feel safe in our bodies, we escape into the non-physical realm of thought or fantasy and we disassociate. We may feel safer there and even create all sorts of elaborate mental constructs in an attempt to rationalize our behavior. In truth anything that we experience in the non-physical world serves no purpose for us if we can’t ground in into the physical realm. Without doing that, it all remains in the non-tangible energy world of the thought realm. The Basics offered in these first four steps are designed to help you come more fully into your body and to help you accomplish your reason for incarnating in this realm.


After completing the first 3 steps, you’re ready to pull in more of your Essential Self. While this step is in essence the most powerful of the 4, the process is actually the simplest.

Sit with your spine nicely erect and put your full focus (your awareness) at the very top of your head in line with the where the top of your spine would be if it continued up through the crown of your head. Feel like you are connecting with whatever energy you feel outside your body when you hold your awareness there. Some feel it as a slight pulsing, mild vibration or just have a felt sense of movement there. There is no preferred or required sensation. Go with whatever works for you and know that in time that sense will grow more palpable and powerful.

Once you have a sense for the connection (or in the beginning just imagine it and trust), feel like you are pulling that sensation down into the very core of your body. Imagine (visualize, think, feel) that you bring it down through the skull and into your spine. Keep following that down through the center of your body, right through the spine until you reach the base of your spine, the coccyx. Allow any sensations you feel along the spine to radiate out into your physical body as you continue to pull more and more of this energy into your system. Allow it to expand out through all parts of your body and even beyond the physical boundaries of your skin and out into your energy field. Feel that this energy mixes and merges with the energy that you pulled up in the Grounding process.


Now that you have all four components of the Basics, I’d like to offer you some guidance in learning to use them. Ultimately you want to become so familiar with these techniques and the feeling that results from them that they become your normal state of being, so that you are constantly and fully grounded in the center of your Being. It takes time to reach that state but as with any journey, it begins with the first step. Once you have a sense for how it feels to be fully grounded in your Basics then the next step is to notice when you are ungrounded and be able to quickly move back into a grounded state.

Scientific studies have shown that it takes about 22 days for us to create a new habit. In this time new neuro-pathways are formed in the brain and this allows us to turn the action over to our subconscious mind. It is much like walking. Once we learned and mastered the technique, we just use our willpower to move and focus on the destination without thinking about all the elaborate muscle movements required for locomotion. Interestingly enough, Science has also shown that it takes about 22 seconds for your subconscious to engage requests from your conscious mind. This is actually a good thing because if our subconscious engaged every random thought our conscious minds had then we’d probably not be very happy about that. So be patient and loving with yourself as you lay down this new habit of engaging your Basics and take time with each step along the way. Remember there is no substitute for personal experience. It is the best teacher and the only way that Truth is revealed within each of us.


What I recommend that you do is work with each of these individual steps in the process until you really have a felt sense for how you feel after you engage each one. When I use the term “felt sense” this means that you should notice how your body feels everywhere. Start with your physical body and scan it from bottom to top. Notice places where you might be holding tension. Next notice your mental body. Observe your thoughts. Don’t focus on them but just notice the quiet or the mental chatter that is going on without feeling the need to change it at all. Finally notice your emotional body. What mood are you in and how does it make you feel?

Often times we’ll say “I feel good” or “I feel bad” but those are summaries. A felt sense is what is obtained by observing all the components that roll-up into that summary. In doing this observing we will often find that the summary statement is simply a cover-up for how we are really feeling. Our bodies may ache, our minds might be very busy and emotionally we’re a wreck but we ignore all of that with “I feel fine”. Gaining a felt sense is done by simply being honest with how you feel in the moment and not being attached to the story that you tell yourself or others. This is you being honest with yourself. Truly no one wants to be around those that only complain about how bad they feel but for the purposes of this exercise, be brutally honest with yourself without judgment or a desire to change it. Only you need to know your truth here.


So to begin with, focus on each of the components individually for around 30 seconds or more. Hold an image of the end result of each step of the Basics in your conscious mind and allow your subconscious to pick that image up and begin to work with it. Spend more time in the beginning when doing this and know that as you become more familiar with it, it will take you less and less time to achieve the desired energetic state. Once you become familiar with each of the individual pieces then get a felt sense for the end result of having all of the components in place. Focus on that and get a mental snapshot of the end result and hold on to that image with your conscious mind for at least 30 seconds. This is the one where you really want to concentrate your focus and get your subconscious to work with the image. It is also the one that you want to notice when you feel out of alignment with so that you can quickly get your Basics back in place.


These Basics are essential to have in place before you engage energy. Engaging energy happens when you deal with other people, work with Oracles, work with your chakras, exercise or just generally experience Life. I share all of these techniques with you because most energy training that we have in our society assumes that you already have these Basics in place and so they don’t cover them. I know this was something that I had to learn the hard way. Without a container for the knowledge we gain, the information isn’t useful and our bodies have no place to hold it. With these Basics in place you’ll have a firm foundation and structure for the information to be held in your energy system and you’ll be less likely to take on others energetic issues.

I see the Basics as building an energetic house. The Grounding says “I want to build my house here and give it a firm support system” and so it becomes the foundation. Clear says “now that I have the place, I want to clear the space to build my house” and so it becomes the floor. Bind says “now I’ll build walls to define my house.” And finally Core says “put the roof on the house, fill it up and call it a home.” You need each one individually but you need them all together to have a complete system.

1 comment:

  1. Makes sense, Michael. Thanks for Sharing.
    You've put it all together - concise and simple.
    - Andy
