Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to 2011

Greetings everyone. I hope that your holiday season and transition into the new year has been enjoyable and full of love. My wish for you is that the coming year brings you a deeper level of awareness of your true nature as well as the ability to harness and use all of your unlimited power to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams.

I’m a big fan of Mike Duley’s “TUT - The Adventures Club”. When you sign up for it, each morning you are sent an email reminding you of your power with an inspirational message to help you achieve your personal goals. It’s really a great way to start your day with a nice, short, positive message. I’d like to share the one that arrived on New Year’s day because I think is so powerful. It said:

So the new year starts and now's a great time to:

1. Wipe the slate clean.

2. Focus upon what you really want.

3. Chart your course.


Well... only if you want to risk having to repeat these steps for the same wishes next year! Maybe this is splitting hairs, but here's an adventurous alternative:

1. Give thanks that life is... just as it is (and that it has been). Because of it, you’re now “Ready”.

2. Define what you want in terms of the end result. Don’t worry about the hows, or even the course. KNOW that what you want is ALREADY yours in spirit, by divine LAW, just focus on the certainty of this ownership, understand it, claim it, and “it will be on earth, as it is heaven (spirit).”

3. LET THE UNIVERSE show you the way via your impulses and instincts that appears as you take inspired action. Don’t worry that your first steps seem silly or futile. And if you don’t know what to do, do anything! Go! Get busy! Do not insist on intermediary successes, only upon the end result.

I hope you are able to achieve your dreams in the coming year and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of. Nothing concrete stands in your way, only your thoughts. Believe it and you can do it.

As you may have noticed, things have been a little quiet on the blog this past month. I’ve been taking some time off from blogging during December to focus on some of my personal goals and general well being. Now that the holidays are behind me, I hope to again focus on sharing the information which has come to me and allow it to come through me.

I also hope that the information that I’ve shared with you so far has been helpful as well as challenging. When we are challenged, we grow. As we grow, we evolve and expand our personal consciousness and come more into alignment with Cosmic Consciousness, the awareness of the underlying unity we share with all of creation. Unity Consciousness isn’t a far off idea, it is Universal truth and only your limiting thoughts stand between you and the full awareness of that truth.

Now that I have laid out most of the groundwork, in the new few months I hope to share some tools and techniques for helping you to move past your patterned, unconscious, habitual responses and into the conscious evolution of your consciousness (or soul). If you look around our planet at all of the social, environmental, financial, political and religious drama that is unfolding, it is easy to see that we are headed for unprecedented problems on a global scale. We must evolve our consciousness in order to solve these problems because we cannot do it in the same consciousness in which we created them. More of the same will never bring us the change we require. It simply is not possible.

I’m excited about all that I have to share and I am grateful that you are sticking with me. Thank you for taking the time out of your life to read what I have to share. I hope that you’ll take time to share your experiences with me as well especially as it relates to the use of the tools and techniques found within my blog. I will do my best to keep things rolling here but I have something big going on in February and will share more about that in coming posts. I also have a personal work project which I’m trying to complete during January so things might be a little slow these first two months but please stick with me.

Cheers to you for the new year. May 2011 be your best year ever! Thanks again for your continued support and encouragement. It is very much appreciated.


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